SAN MARCOS HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNOUNCES A PUBLIC HEARING Date: September 21, 2020 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: San Marcos Housing Authority, 1201 Thorpe Lane – Admin Bldg., San Marcos, TX 78666 The purpose of the hearing is to obtain input from the city residents in reference to the Five-Year Plan and Annual Plan Submission to be […]
SMHA Closes to the Public
The San Marcos Housing Authority is committed to providing a safe and healthy housing community for all residents, staff, contractors, and visitors during this pandemic coronavirus COVID19. We have been following the lead from the City of San Marcos, which has decided to close all doors to the public. As of today, Friday, March 20, […]
SMHA Pandemic Policy re COVID-19
The San Marcos Housing Authority (SMHA) is committed to providing a safe and healthy housing community for all residents, staff, contractors and visitors. Consistent with CDC guidelines and to support state and local health officials in preventing the spread of contagious disease, including the coronavirus (COVID-19) virus, the SMHA has developed policies and is implementing […]