For the first time in many years, the Housing Authority has had to resort to advertising to fill vacancies. At this time, the wait lists for 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom units in public housing, AND 1-bedrooom and 2-bedroom units at Springtown Villa, are unusually short. Notices have been posted in the San Marcos Daily Record.
Public housing units include housing at the Allen Woods Homes on Thorpe Lane, at the C. M. Allen Homes on River Road, and a few other locations. All applications are received at the main office of the Housing Authority, which is situated in the Allen Woods Homes at 1201 Thorpe Lane. You can pick up an application during regular business hours or you can download and print an application by clicking on the link below. Call 512-353-5059 for additional information.
Springtown Villa is a project-based Section 8 site and is located at 503 Springtown Way. The Head of Household must be elderly (age 62 or older) or disabled* to qualify for housing. You can pick up an application during regular business hours. It is not available for download. Call 512-396-3363 for additional information.
Applicants must qualify for specific bedroom sizes to be placed on the wait list for that bedroom size. This is determined by the number of persons in the household, their relationship, their ages, and their genders.
*To be considered disabled, a person must be receiving disability benefits such as Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income, 100% Veterans Administration Disability Benefits, etc.