Take our housing survey!
The City of San Marcos wants to understand the decisions people make when choosing where to live and work. Your answers to the survey will inform important decisions about housing and land use in the city. Be a part of charting our future.
This survey will help the City better accommodate the types of housing residents and workers want and need.
The survey is located at: www.research.net/r/SanMarcosHousingSurvey
En Español: http://www.research.net/r/SanMarcosHousingSurveySP
You can take the survey on your smart phone, iPad/tablet or computer or request a paper form to planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov (512) 393-8230
If you complete the survey by January 31, 2019, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card.
Thank you for participating! Please tell your friends, family and coworkers about the survey.